Majority Of Buyers Find A Home Using Their Phone

These days, there aren’t many things you can’t do on your phone. From grocery shopping to getting a job, smartphones have made nearly everything easier to do. And, according to new research from the National Association of Realtors, that’s also true of looking for a house to buy. The data shows that the vast majority of home buyers used their phones to help search for a house. And it isn’t just young people who are turning to technology to help with their home search. In fact, large majorities of buyers across all generations said they started searching homes using their phones. Among Millennial respondents, a full 80 percent said they used their phone to look for a home, with GenX buyers almost equally as likely to use a phone at 78 percent. There was a slight drop off, however, among Baby Boomers, with 68 percent of buyers between the ages of 54 and 63 saying they began their search on a smartphone. From the numbers, it’s clear that the convenience and accessibility of smartphones has helped prospective buyers more easily find a home that suits their needs. They can also help buyers find an agent to work with. The survey found that nearly 20 percent of participants said that’s how they found the real-estate professionals that helped them seal the deal. More here.

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