Potential Home Buyers Say Now Is The Time

The results of a recent survey from Braun Research found that 62 percent of potential home buyers say now is a better time to buy than last year and 30 percent of them plan to purchase a home in the next year and a half. The survey, which asked interested buyers about their plans and concerns, adds to the growing evidence that Americans are ready to buy. Among the most commonly cited reasons for wanting to buy now were the fact that rent is getting more expensive and waiting may mean missing out on today’s historically low mortgage rates and generally favorable buying conditions. In fact, nearly 70 percent of respondents said they worry that they’ve already missed out on the best buying opportunities because of recent price increases. Other worries of potential home buyers included being able to outbid other buyers if necessary and finding a home that fits their budget and is in a good neighborhood. Still, despite their concerns, buyers say they feel it’ll be easier to get a mortgage this year and are willing to make sacrifices in order to buy their dream home. In other words, there is a feeling among potential home buyers that this is the time to buy and waiting could mean having to compromise on their dream house or neighborhood. More here.

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